
Directory Structure

ibis runs one simulation per directory. ibis looks for specific files in that directory, and will automatically generate files.

The main configuration file ibis looks for is job.py. This file contains the settings for the simulation.

|-- job_directory
    |-- job.py

After preparing a simulation, a number of files will be generated, and the directory should look something like:

|-- job_directory
    |-- job.py
    |-- config/
      |-- config.json
    |-- grid/
      |-- ...
    |-- flow/
      |-- ...
    |-- log/
      |-- log
      |-- residuals.dat

When ibis begins a simulation, it no longer looks at job.py, only the generated config files. So if you wish to change a setting, make sure to run ibis prep again.

The log directory stores log files to monitor a simulation, or diagnosing problems. The log file contains information that was printed to the screen during execution, as well as some other potentially useful information. residuals.dat contains the norms of the residuals as the simulation progresses

Typical Workflow

  1. Build the grid. Any grid generation software that can export su2 files will work. Currently, the grid must be a single block. The dimensionality of the grid sets the dimensionality of the simulation
  2. Prepare the simulation with ibis prep
  3. Run the simulation with ibis run
  4. Post-process the simulation with ibis post plot