Gas Models


A GasState object describes the thermodynamic state of some gas. For example:

gas_state = GasState()
gas_state.p = 101325
gas_state.T = 300

A GasState contains the following information:

p (Pa): pressure
T (K): temperature
rho (kg/m^3): density
energy (J/kg): internal energy

Only two of the fields need to be filled in by the user; the remainder can be computed using a IdealGas (see here)


A FlowState describes the thermodynamic state of some gas, and the gas’s velocity. A FlowState can be constructed via:

FlowState(gas, vx=..., vy=... vz=...)

Positional arguments:

  • gas: GasState object with the thermodynamic state

Optional arguments:

  • vx: float the velocity in the x direction in (m/s). Defaults to 0
  • vy: float the velocity in the y direction in (m/s). Defaults to 0
  • vz: float the velocity in the z direction in (m/s). Defaults to 0


A IdealGas describes the ideal gas properties of the gas. An IdealGas object can be created in one of two ways; from the gas constant, or from a species name.

Gas constant:

IdealGas(R = ...)

Keyword arguments:

  • R (float): the gas constant (J/kg)

Species name:

IdealGas(species = ...)

Keyword arguments:

  • species (String): the name of the species

The IdealGas can perform calculations on a GasState object. For example:

gas_model = IdealGas(species='air')
gas_state = GasState()
gas_state.p = 101325
gas_state.T = 300

The available methods on a gas model are:


Update a gas state from its pressure and temperature

Positional arguments:
gas_state: GasState object. The pressure and temperature should already be set, and the density and energy will be updated.

Returns: None


Update a gas state from its density and temperature

Positional arguments:
gas_state: GasState object. The density and temperature should already be set, and the pressure and energy will be updated

Returns: None


Update a gas state from its density and pressure

Positional arguments:
gas_state: GasState object. The density and pressure should already be set, and the temperature and energy will be calculated

Returns: None