

The grid is configured by setting config.grid to an instance of the Block class in For example:

config.grid = Block(
    file_name = "grid.su2",
    initial_condition = initial_state,
    boundaries = {
        "inflow": supersonic_inflow(inflow_state),
        "outflow": supersonic_outflow(),
        "wall": slip_wall()

config.grid must be set, there is no default value. The dimensionality of the simulation will be determined from the grid. The settings are described below.


The name of the grid file. ibis has no grid generation capabilities, so this must be generated by some other software.

Type: String
Default: None


The initial condition to fill the grid with.

Type: FlowState
Default: None


A dictionary of the boundary conditions to attach to the grid. The grid file should have some boundary tags associated with it. These boundary tags are the keys in the dictionary, and the values are the ibis boundary conditions. The available boundary conditions are described here.

Type: dict: {String: BoundaryCondition}
Default: None